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Старый 25.01.2013, 02:34   #1
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Dvd5 Johar in Kashmir / И.С. Джохар / 1966 / DVD5 / Без перевода

Johar in Kashmir

Год выпуска: 1966
Страна: Индия
Жанр: Боевик, драма
Продолжительность: 02:02:27
Перевод: Отсутствует
Русские субтитры: Отсутствуют
Другие субтитры: Английские

Режиссер: И.С. Джохар

В ролях: И.С. Джохар, Мумтаз Бегум, Раджан Хаксар, Камал Капур, Манмохан Кришна, Манорама, Мукри, Соня Сахни, Д.К. Сапру, Тивари

Описание: Tensions run high in Kashmir after the partition circa late 1940s. On the Indian side, two waring hoodlums, Ahmed and Aslam, have another reason to fight over with - beautiful Salma, the daughter of Hakim Mohammad Hussein. Salma is attracted to Aslam, but wants him to mend his ways, he heeds her advise, joins the army, and returns back as a Home Guard. When his mom, Zainab, goes to talk to Hussein about their marriage, she is killed by raiders disguised as Darvashi's (Islamic Holy men) from Pakistan, who also kill all of Salma's family, and abduct her. Aslam decides to track them down, arrange for the release of Salma, marry her, and bring the killers to justice. What Aslam does not know is that one of the killers is none other than Maula Khan - his Pakistan-based paternal cousin. Watch what happens when Aslam and his uncle realize this and the impact this will have on their relationship.

Качество: DVD5
Формат: DVD Video

Видео кодек: MPEG2
Размер кадра: 720x480 pixel
Частота кадра: 23,976 fps
Видео битрейт: 8000 kbps

Аудио кодек: AC3
Частота дискретизации: 48 kHz
Каналы: 5.1 (6 ch)
Аудио битрейт: 448 kbps

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Тип файла: torrent Johar.in.Kashmir.1966.DVD5.torrent (23.0 Кб, 9 просмотров)
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