DVDRip фильмы без перевода в DVDRip |
26.04.2010, 15:27
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Dadagiri / Deepak S. Shivdasani / 1987 / DVDRip / Без перевода
Год выпуска: 1987
Страна: Индия
Жанр: Боевик
Продолжительность: 02:18:46
Перевод: Отсутствует
Русские субтитры: Отсутствуют
Режиссер: Deepak S. Shivdasani
В ролях: Рати Агнихотри, Дхармендра, Говинда, Ракеш Беди, Амриш Пури, Мохан Чоти
Описание: Deepa lives a poor lifestyle in India along with her widowed father, and is in love with Dharma. Her father becomes ill, and must re-locate abroad for treatment. A rich male, Singh, offers to marry Deepa and only then will he get her dad the required treatment. Deepa agrees, and a heartbroken Dharma decides to remain single, takes to alcohol and becomes a good hearted hoodlum. Deepa gives birth to a daughter, Barkha, and her husband passes away, leaving her very wealthy. Her ex-convict brother-in-law, Bhanupratap, wants in some of the cash, and she gives him some. Dissatisfied and wanting more, he kills her, moves in the household along with his wife, Shanti; son, Roshan; and daughter, Chandni; on the pretext of looking after Barkha. But since Deepa had left a Will which made it mandatory for the entire estate to be transferred to Barkha's name after she reaches the age of 21, he decides to patiently wait. He and his wife abuse Barkha, force her to give up her studies, and make her do all the household work while they continue to collect a princely allowance every month. Years later Barkha has grown up, and after being whipped by her uncle, manages to escape, meets with a street-wise male, Suraj, and falls in love with him. Bhanupratap hires Dharma, who locates Barkha and brings her back. After Barkha attains the age of 21, she is forced to sign over the entire estate to Bhanupratap, and is permitted to leave. Bhanupratap locates her and pushes her off of a cliff, believes she is dead, and tells everyone that Barkha has gone abroad. Problems arise when Deepa's lawyer, S.P. Saxena, refuses to hand-over the estate unless Barkha appears in Court. Barkha does return, and with Dharma's help, takes over the household - but not for long - as Bhanupratap abducts Suraj and decides to kill him unless and until Barkha testifies in Court and transfers the entire estate in his name.
Качество: DVDRip
Формат: AVI
Видео кодек: XviD
Размер кадра: 512x384 pixel
Частота кадра: 29.97 fps
Видео битрейт: 1008 kbps
Аудио кодек: MP3
Частота дискретизации: 44.1 kHz
Каналы: 2.0 (stereo)
Аудио битрейт: 128 kbps
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26.09.2010, 09:31
занимательное кино - этакая "Зита без Гиты"  - обижают бедную богатую сиротку злые родственники, а перед адвокатом-поверенным спектакли разыгрывают... К счастью сводит ее судьба с мощным дядей, который много лет хранит образ ее матери в сердце (а фото в бумажнике) - и тот не просто, чтобы пойти, найти свидетелей, и к адвокату, - все объяснить; а тренирует ее по программе американских морпехов - тут уж родственничкам мало не покажется!.. 
Жаль, что девушка здесь явно недотягивает - сироткой в сари еще ничего, а когда уже в кожаных штанах или в мини-юбке, - и из-под модной челки все те же глаза ягненка... Зато Дхарам и Амриш Пури - на высоте! (несмотря на 87 год)
rong2, спасибо за релиз!
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