12.11.2010, 00:05
Сообщение от MariaPndm
У меня тоже информация, что композитор Баппи Лахири
Вот Баппи только об этом не знает ))
Достаточно зарубежных источников, включая музыкальные сайты, где говориться кто есть ху,
Наши смогли разглядеть упоминание только о БЛ в статьях, а другое полностью проигнорировали... когда копипастили инфу...
Сообщение от album No Vacancy, produced by Rajiv Chaubey
...Why did he decide on taking Mandakini as a singer? “I have been a fan of her’s right from my school days,” he admits, “I had liked her song Dancing city which she had sung for Bappi Lahiri for the album Night Lovers. Even though she quit acting, she has been doing stage shows all this while. So she hasn’t really lost touch with acting. In this album, all the eight songs have been rendered by her. I have already shot the videos for two songs and I must say that Mandakini has done a splendid job, even though she is acting after a gap of seven years.” ....
Chaubey intends to release No Vacancy on June 15 through Bombino Music. And on the same day he will be announcing his next Punjabi album which will feature a new singer. “I am sort of making things easy for the big music companies by producing these music videos with new talents. All they have to do is market the product. After all they don’t have the time or patience to scan through the thousands of aspirants who flock their offices. In No Vacancy, I have given breaks to newcomers in all the departments.
Rakesh Mishra has penned the songs, while Amar Mohile has composed the music. I have employed the services of some of the best in the field like Abhinav Upadhay, who has been playing the tabla for Jagjit Singh. Then there is Tony, the permanent guitarist of RD Burman. He is the one who played the guitar in Chura liya hai tumne jo dil ko,”points out Chaubey....
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