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Старый 23.10.2009, 02:16   #1
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Dvdrip Happy Days / Sekhar Kammula / 2007 / DVDRip

Happy Days

Год выпуска: 2009
Страна: Индия
Жанр: Мелодрама,драма
Продолжительность: 02:41:08
Перевод: Субтитры
Субтитры: Английские

Режиссер: Sekhar Kammula

В ролях: Varun Sandesh,Tamana, Nikhil, Raahul, Vamsi Krishna, Gayatri Rao, Monali Chowdhary, Sonia

Описание: The movie starts off in a narrative fashion, by the lead guy, Chandrasekhar(Varun Sandesh), introducing his family. Then, it moves on with the introduction every other character, like that of the leading lady, Madhu(Tamanna Bhatia), and then to the genius, Arjun, a.k.a Tyson for his thin and lean personality, then it is Rajesh(Nikhil)and Appu(Gayatri Rao). The other pair of Shankar(Vamsi Krishna) and Sangeeta(Monali Chowdary), meet accidentally, when Shankar is hit by Sangeeta's car, when he's chasing a bus. All of them become good friends, thanks to the session of ragging by their seniors. They have a lot of problems with their seniors, for various reasons, like of of the senior guys, who eyes for Madhu, is bent to remove Chandu, who is close to her. Another senior, wants to break the bones of Tyson for flirting with his girlfriend, who is Tyson's senior. Once, all the seniors launch a surprise attack on the four guys, Chandu, Tyson, Rajesh, and Shankar. While Shankar escapes unhurt, because one of the seniors is Sangeeta's brother, the rest of them are badly injured. They go back the next day to complain to the principal, when they are stopped by their super-seniors, who would like to bring a truce between the freshmen and their immediate seniors. They resolve the issue by setting up a cricket match between the two parties. Thus they win their freedom from their seniors by beating them in the match. Then the mood shifts to the exams, after which they become seniors. During the exams, Chandu proposes Madhu to kiss her, at which she is disappointed and asks him to apologize to her father, who was the witness to what has happened, saying that he is very disturbed by it. Chandu doesn't agree to it, and they don't talk to each other Then they go on the tour, which they plan. The entire tour is photographed beautifully, with excellent photography. In the mean-time, the senior, Shravz(Sonia) falls for Tyson. Then, Tyson goes on a date to a movie with Shravz , where he sees Sangeeta being intimately close to another guy other than Shankar. Disappointed, Tyson comes out of the theater to inform it to Shankar. When Tyson tells Shankar the truth, he instead beats Tyson denying the fact. In frustration, Tyson asks Sangeeta to confess to Shankar, who does not agree. He then, in a fit of rage, slaps her in front of everybody in the college. When she tells her brother about it, he plots Shankar to bring Tyson to an isolated place, where they beat him up badly. Then, he is bed-ridden for a few days. In the mean-time, Shravz comes to Tyson and tells him that she is not yet ready to marry him, as he is not in her heart. He is disappointed. On the other hand, Chandu comes to terms with reality, and would like to apologize to Madhu's father as he realizes the he is in love with her. Rajesh, who is after every junior, to propose to her, then realizes that Appu is in love with him, and starts reciprocating. They decide to get married. Meanwhile, Shankar realizes that Sangeeta has been cheating on him, the hard way, and asks the rest of his friends to forgive him. The farewell party is shown as the last scene for the movie. After the farewell, all the 6 students, Chandu, Madhu, Rajesh, Appu, Tyson and Shankar stay back in the college, when their principal arrives and talks to them saying that it has been a legacy for him to stay back after the farewell party, and meet students like them, who leave the college unwillingly, with tears in their eyes. He also briefs about what was the achievement of each of them, while they still wonder as if they really got anything from these 4 years of education at the college. The Director, the Editor, and the Music Director, score full points. Of these, when it comes to direction Sekhar Kammula has don a lot of homework, before he actually came on to the sets. He didn't have to spend much on the locations, as he took permission from the college, at which he was an alumnus. All he had to pay was, for the staff involved the move, including the technicians, and the cast and crew. The Editor used his scissors to perfection, cutting it just when needed, or when he thought that the movie was drifting away from focus. Mickey.J.Meyer, who scored the soundtracks and the background score for the movie, has done a commendable work. His tunes are lilting, and not haphazard, and they were never noisy. I would sincerely say the music album of this movie, stands at par with the album of the movie, BOMBAY, who's theme music was used in the movie LORD of WAR. Kudos to everyone associated with this movie. If you want to watch a no-nonsense movie, then it got to be this.

Качество: DVDRip
Формат: AVI

Видео кодек: XviD
Размер кадра: 640x272 pixel
Частота кадра: 23.976 fps
Видео битрейт: 1308 kbps

Аудио кодек: MP3
Частота дискретизации: 48kHz
Каналы: 2.0 (stereo)
Аудио битрейт: 128 kbps

Мировая премьера: 28 сентября 2007

Открыть содержимое

Тип файла: torrent Happy.Days.2007.DVDRip.Xvid.torrent (15.4 Кб, 6 просмотров)

Последний раз редактировалось Dace; 23.10.2009 в 16:34..
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Старый 23.10.2009, 09:26   #2
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randy23, в названии видео файла допущенна ошибка - пробел Happy_Days
Исправь, пожалуйста ))
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Старый 23.10.2009, 16:16   #3
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Dace готово.Переноси чтоб включил для отдачи
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Старый 23.10.2009, 16:27   #4
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randy23, Спасибо! Давно слышал об этом фильме. Мне почему-то кажется, что @ksana переводила его. Но могу заблуждаться.
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Старый 23.10.2009, 17:30   #5
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Сообщение от dan-khan Посмотреть сообщение
Мне почему-то кажется, что @ksana переводила его. Но могу заблуждаться.
Нет =) Она его даже не смотрела еще... Но она собирается =)
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Старый 23.10.2009, 18:14   #6
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Фильм переводили-)
Фильм просто замечательный-)
Маленькая солнечная частичка!
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Старый 23.10.2009, 20:59   #7
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@ksana, А ты собираешься смотреть или переводить?
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Старый 14.11.2009, 21:18   #8
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Сообщение от Shirani Посмотреть сообщение
Фильм переводили-)
Фильм просто замечательный-)
Маленькая солнечная частичка!

А где можно посмотреть с переводом или хотя бы с русскими субтитрами?
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Старый 15.11.2009, 03:05   #9
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katuhazoloto я от неё завтра узнаю и напишу
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Старый 19.11.2009, 12:09   #10
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Залит DVDRip с русскими субтитрами http://www.bwtorrents.ru/forum/showthread.php?p=81906

Данную раздачу (Сидов: 0, Личеров: 0, Закончили: 0) закрываю и сдаю в архив.
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